@VW.org Just watched the second vid. I have to say... the entire Bible narrative makes so much more sense if the Old Testament God was actually Satan playing shenanigans on all the old-time prophets, etc. Gosh, this guy might be onto something... *quietly starts Googling how to become Born Again*
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Jehovah is Satan
by VW.org ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father.. https://youtu.be/-eyp4n0xkxk.
BEAT that Child!
by Farkel inthis is sort of a continuation of threads on dubs and how they are conditioned to discipline their children.
someone questioned whether the society actually encouraged dubs to whup their children.
i only had enough time to dig up a few salient quotes from the wt magazine.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@ThomasCovenant "Ours is a more... spiritual discipline." Stewart had to keep repeating the question before getting a sort-of answer. "Does your organization condone corporal punishment?"
Jackson stammered: "...N-no. Not personally... And not as an organization."
Jehovah is Satan
by VW.org ini found a very convincing youtube video showing that jehovah of the old testament is satan and the god of the new testament is god the father.. https://youtu.be/-eyp4n0xkxk.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Ooof, this was groundbreaking for me (whether Jehovah was legit, or it was Satan posing as him - it doesn't really matter to me). But at around 38 minutes in, it discusses the way "Jehovah" dealt with his enemies/those who wronged him. His treatment of the enemy was always a repayment of EVIL FOR EVIL - the very thing the Bible counsels us to refrain from doing. If man truly IS made in God's image, it would explain why there are a lot of vengeful, violent people who "strike back harder" in the world.
Has anyone met Anthony Morris?
by The Real Edward Gentry inhe seems like he'd be very stern and a drag to have to be around.
obsessed with tight pants and homosexuals and all.
so what's he really like?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
He sounds like someone who can have a chuckle over things in person, so long as he regards you as "safe" (compliant). But woe to he who crosses Sir Morris III...
The boys in Pennsylvania- The real power behind Watchtower
by UnshackleTheChains ini am quite interested in something mike and kim said in their video when talking about why their you tube videos are being taken down.
in their video below, at around 35 seconds.
mike say's that he has being trying to tell people that the boys in pennsylvania are the real power behind watchtower - not the governing body?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I just watched that this evening. Sounds like a business function to me. Very strange. I mean, even "our corporate BROTHERS AND SISTERS" would have sounded better if it truly was a "theocracy". But "guests" set off a different vibe. Like it's a bunch of fat cat hedge fund guys. Anyone else notice how depressed/defeated the GB sounded? Tony Morris, especially. Really just "over it", in my opinion.
"Hello"! Parody! (this could apply SO much to witnesses!)
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cklqfx62u_i.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@MrRoboto The GB have done such a great job of eroding away Witnesses appropriate standards and boundaries (the Lot's Wife horror scene being played to children's at conventions comes to mind), and they all just lap it up gratefully. "Food at the proper time." "If the Society has deemed it acceptable, we can trust them." I sincerely believe that if the Society brought out a book with hardcore porography in it, JW parents will gladly allow their children to study it. That JW.org logo on literature contains more significance than the Heart Foundation Approved tick on packaged meals.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
This Generation OF Dummies:
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Well, gosh, where have I seen this before? In typical, convoluted Watchtower pageantry, what often spells out N-O-N-S-E-N-S-E is usually conveyed in the most preplexingly arduous manner possible:
Who is "the faithfully and discreet slave"?
by Counter-Watchtower inive asked my jw friends that 3 times and never got an answer.. and can someone explain the jw class system?
and or point me to info on it..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Hey @counter-watchtower, I've pulled up a PDF from jwfacts.com which summarizes the WT's doctrine of the Slave's identity over the years. Needless to say, as with many other critical teachings, this is yet another key one that has fluctuated somewhat: